photo by blood:water.mission |
I was in total shock because of the lack of clean water. For that matter for the lack of any kind of water.
We stayed in a "nice" guest houses. At times we had no running water. The cleanness of it was questionable at best. Some times it ran and sometimes it didn't. Sometimes it was cloudy and sometimes it was brown.
This was in a major cities of Zambia.
photo by blood:water.mission
What about in the villages?
We traveled to three different villages in the bush.
Where was the water?
Not in the huts.
Not in the schools.
Not in the church buildings where we did the medical missions.
Not in the baptistery.
The pools of water that they used to baptize were muddy, dirty, spots where people washed their clothes
and dipped five gallon buckets of water to take home to drink and cook with.
We took the water we needed with us.
photo by blood:water.mission
In 2007 we stayed in the bush for eight days and nights where there was no electricity or running water.
I never even saw a borehole(water well). I do not know where they got the water.
Some how the men kept the 55 gallon barrels full of water and hot for us to use to bathe with.
They were such servants. I never saw them carrying the water. I did occasionally see them adding wood to the fire and stoke it.
Bore Holes or Wells as we call them are hard to find. Many times the people go to the dirty pools of water wherever they can find them.
photo by blood:water.mission
Turn your water off for a day and do not use it.
Think about what it would be like to live every day with little or no clean water.
Think about what we as Americans waste everyday by drinking a half of a bottle of water and throwing the rest out.
Think about how little one dollar means to most of us.
Think about what you can do to help the billions of people who do not have clean water.
photo by blood:water.mission
If you want to help blood:water mission , please do.
If you want to donate money to our program that teaches the gospel
and drills water wells in Zambia,
you may contact me by leaving me a comment.
John 4:14
but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.
John 6:35
Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; the who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.
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I am not affiliated with Lemonade Makin' Mama or blood:water mission. I am affiliated with the church that supports a work in the Eastern Province of Zambia.